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Foto van schrijverEphie Limaris

When i am feeling blue....

Bijgewerkt op: 13 sep 2019

Sometimes life is a bitch , one day you are the most happiest human on this planet, just an hour later your life is falling apart, just like that, in a blink...

I was so happy after returning from my trip when Doc told me the bad news, i just thought wtf....but i won't think about it too much , i just said, what ever..... be it and fell asleep, and all of sudden just like that out of the blue, i just thought wow it was 18 years ago when the stupid morons ruined my beautiful NYC.... i was crying a bit and felt bad for the victims family and all the first responders family, who kissed their husband, kids and relatives in the morning to only need to return to identified their body, and here i am so ungrateful and feeling sorry for myself, compared with them my problems is nothing. I sent a prayer to all the families and hope they all get their closure...

So i decided to be happy and started with reading a book whilst having my brekky, listening to my favorite music... life is zo amazing, i thought what was the reason i felt blue again ? i realized i need to be happy and love myself first before i love someone else, so,,,,i ask Phil Collins , what he is doing when he feels blue :

Having said that, it would amazing if you have someone who has your back and supporting you trough the good time and the bad time, no condition and no agenda... just friendship and unconditional support..i missed the old time, when you dont have to say anything and your friends know how you feel :)... i missed my bestiest... its true what their said, a friend in need is the friend indeed....

But, we can't keep chasing ghost, we need to trust ourselves, and believe we can do it alone, it doenst matter if it made your heart bleedin or your tummy turned upside down, sometimes what you need to do is step back and let it go...

When we able to let go, we need to start love ourselves first, because no body will love you as much as you do, yes your parents, but they wont be there forever....

Once you love yourself and stop holding on to something you have no control so, get rid of negative energy and inhale the good air, it is not easy , i know , but life is a roller coaster , don't jump out just yet , finish the ride and do it with style , smile and savor the moment, all bad things will only make you stronger, trust me i have been there and i am still here and try to start all over again.... at the end of the day you are matter... dont expect people to respect you , but respect them nevertheless, try to be a good person and always be kind.... to yourself and others...

me old man always said, " treat others the way you wanna be treated " and " dont ask what others did to you but asked what you did to them "

I never stop loving me mother and me father..

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