The days are getting longer, but of course, the weather’s turning a bit gloomy. Typical Dutch summer – rainy, windy, and kinda chilly. After all those amazing spring days, it almost feels like we don’t deserve this weather, right? It’s all a bit depressing, and Ms. Rona is still hanging around. Europe’s starting to open its borders, but flying still feels like a bit of a gamble. So, I decided to fight back! I packed up my gear, hopped on my bike, and headed to the neighboring country for a weekend of pampering in beautiful Germany. Sometimes, you just need a little getaway to brighten the mood!

I decided to head to Düsseldorf—it’s just an hour’s drive, super easy to navigate, and honestly, I love Germany. Plus, Düsseldorf has this amazing Japanese community, so I can totally satisfy my cravings for delicious ramen, melon pan, tapioca boba tea, Korean BBQ, and a ton of mochi! Yes, I’m in Germany, but right now, all I’m thinking about is Japanese food. It’s funny, because exactly a year ago today, I was in Tokyo, enjoying some Mr. Donut with my soul sister. Feels like such a sweet memory!

Düsseldorf is usually famous for its Christmas markets, where you can wander through the old town, sip on mulled wine, and munch on BBQ sausages with some classic German cold potato salad. But today, in the middle of this wet and humid summer, all I really craved was tonkotsu ramen and a cold Japanese beer . The queue was super long—almost an hour of waiting for a table! But since Na NiWa is one of the best and most delicious spots, I didn’t mind the wait.
It did feel a bit strange, though. You’re standing outside, all crowded together, no distance at all, and then when you finally get to sit down, they ask you to put your mask on while you pay in advance. You walk to your table, and then... it's okay to take the mask off. It was honestly kind of confusing—what was the point? The server still brings the food to your table. I guess I’m still trying to get used to this “new normal” way of doing things! But hey, at least the ramen was totally worth it!
Wandering through the old town always makes me so happy. The food stalls everywhere, the merry-go-round in front of City Hall, and the massive old clock overlooking the bridge and tower. The bars along the river and the river cruise boats just add to the charm. Even though the weather was definitely trying to make me cry, the atmosphere was just magical. Nothing could stop me from grabbing a hot flammkuchen and an ice-cold beer while watching the happy people making the best of a rainy day. I love that feeling—those positive smiles, kids laughing and running around, chasing who knows what. Kids just have this magic about them, don’t they? Their laughter turns even the worst day into something bearable. It’s like they’re telling you, “Everything’s gonna be okay, just hang in there a little longer.”
Düsseldorf is always my go-to place to eat and shop. I’m not sure why, but it’s my place to relax and unwind. Didn’t really feel the need to be a tourist today, so if you’re looking for info on monuments, churches, or famous sights, I’ll have to disappoint you. But, if you’re looking for tips on where to eat, drink, and shop (from fancy to budget-friendly), I’m your guy!

I stayed at this adorable Japanese hotel, the Nikko Hotel, in Düsseldorf's Japanese neighborhood. Once again, here I am in Germany! I absolutely love this hotel—it’s within walking distance of all the delicious food spots and cute shopping places. But, of course, I can still feel the presence of Ms. Rona. The hotel feels empty, and everything kind of has this hospital vibe. You can smell the Dettol, and everyone’s wearing masks. It’s a bit depressing, honestly. I just wanted to stay outside and feel the energy of life again.
I’m sorry for being a little whiny, but this whole situation really hit me hard. As someone who’s high-risk, I have to be extra careful, and that makes me a bit sad. But, lying on my bed after a cozy bowl of ramen, I realized how lucky I am to still be safe and able to go out when so many people are stuck inside, unable to move freely. After that dinner, I’m feeling much more positive and excited about what summer has in store for me. Bring it on, Summer!!!

Dusseldorf, July 2020 after Rona